A welcoming and friendly environment with worshiping Christ at our centre. We come to worship services ready to participate with a Scripture passage, a prayer, an offering, and we sing together with gladness in our hearts. Our worship services focus on Jesus Christ, and the preaching of the Word is central. We sing some songs, some hymns, and some spiritual songs just as the early church did.
We consider Baptism by immersion in water to be the first step of obedience for a believer, and a prerequisite for participation in the Lord’s Table and Church Membership. We celebrate the Lord’s Table during each worship service, joining together as baptized believers to remember Christ’s death until He returns. We take every opportunity to share the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ with people we come in contact with, praying for their conversion. We pray for one another and encourage each other. We seek to use our spiritual gifts in the church for the glory of God and the benefit of others.
We live to bring glory to God as He designed us to. Understanding that we are accepted by God through our faith in Jesus Christ and no sin is held against us, but paid for in its entirety by Jesus; we show our gratitude and love for God by obeying His commands. We seek to bring our thoughts and words and actions more and more into perfect conformity with the image of Christ Jesus, our wonderful Saviour.
Where the Bible is silent on matters of conscience, we embrace liberty; but where the Scripture is clear on sin, we repent and work toward change. We encourage one another to live lives worthy of the calling we have received, and exercise church discipline when needed.
We understand we are all undeserving sinners saved by God’s great grace and mercy. We remember who we were and welcome you as you are. Some people choose to dress up and others just come in casual clothes. How you look is not important to us, come in whatever feels comfortable for you. We welcome children young and old in our worship services and are not distracted by the sounds of babies and young ones- we see them as gifts from God. Recognizing that parents sometimes need a break, we provide care for children under 10 during the preaching time. Ten-year-olds are encouraged to stay in the service, participating with the grown-ups in the worship of God.